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Helping You Create Your Extraordinary Life

Work on Your Dreams without Feeling Overwhelmed

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I talk a lot about envisioning your goals and dreams for ten years from now. This is because while I like to live in the moment, I believe you can live best in the moment when you know who you want to be, what you want to do, and what you want to have in the future. I also know that if you’re not mindful of these things, ten years will still pass by - but without any direction. I know, you have kids to raise, dogs to walk, chores to do, a job, and relationships to nurture… So how do you manage your big dreams alongside daily life? 

Every single one of my clients struggles with this at one point or another, so know that you aren’t alone. Also know that any feelings of guilt (mom guilt, partner guilt, career guilt, etc.) are common as well. For some reason, women have been sold the idea that we can do it all; I’m here to tell you that not only do you not have to, but you shouldn’t. This is your life,...

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7 Surprising Reasons to Set Goals

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As much as I love the power of a good goal, I’m not usually a proponent of New Year’s resolutions or setting goals just once a year. But if you aren’t in the habit of goal setting or if you need to revisit your goals, now is the perfect time to get started. The big draw to setting goals is obviously having something to work towards, but there are many other reasons you should incorporate goals into your life. In fact, I have seven! 

The College Comparison

Before we get to the list of reasons you should be a goal-setter, I want to give you a bit of insight into the power of goals. Think back to your late teens or your early twenties. Very likely you were going to college and had some sort of four year plan to finish school and start living your young-adult life. Along with college came a curriculum of courses that you needed to complete, so it was easy to see the next steps and stay focused on graduating. 


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Seven Strategies to Turn Your Dreams into Reality

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Have you ever wondered how some people seem to have everything they dream of, while for others their dreams remain unrealized or forgotten entirely? I’m here to tell you that it’s not a question of luck or genetics, but rather the strategies people use to get what they want. Below I share seven strategies you can use to help turn your dreams into reality, so you can stop wishing and start achieving the things you really want. 

1. Understand What’s Important to You

Think back to a time when you’ve been really excited about something big in your life. Maybe it was getting married, buying a house, going on a vacation, or even getting into college. You likely felt a lot of energy and motivation surrounding this goal, and the excitement helped you take the actions to get there. 

Unfortunately, we don’t often use this type of momentum on a regular basis to get what we want out of life. This can occur...

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Speed Up the Arrival of Your Dreams

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Do you want to speed up the arrival of your dreams? Of course you do! So why does it feel like it’s taking so long? One reason might be because you haven’t uncovered your big dreams yet. It’s essential to be crystal-clear on what your dreams are before you start thinking about your goals, next project, or new year resolutions; because if you haven’t envisioned how you want your life to be, how do you go about creating it? This is exactly what I help women do in my Design Your Decade workshops, and I’d love for you to join me in one of the January sessions (or grab yourself the DIY version). In the meantime, you can get a jumpstart by asking yourself the following questions. 

6 Questions to Help Speed Up the Arrival of Your Dreams

These questions will help you start to uncover your life’s dreams and make them a reality. So grab your journal, and start dreaming! 

1. What is your highest...

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Connect With Intention

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Connecting with others is one of the ten human drives that Brendon Burchard talks about in his book, The Charge, and it’s been on my mind a lot lately. I did a small group coaching session about it last month, and many of the women said they wanted to deepen their connection to their partners. When you learn to connect with intention your relationships with your loved ones will improve, but so will all of the other connections in your life. It just takes a little positivity. 

Positive Projection

People are more kind, hard-working, and well-intentioned than we give them credit for, and they’ll live up to high expectations if given the chance. Studies have confirmed that if you project positive traits on others, they’ll rise to the occasion. If you tell your child how creative they are and give them the opportunity to show that, watch what they come up with. You can use this with your spouse, kids, family members,...

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Developing a Mindset for Momentum

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Once you learn to create momentum in your life, achieving your goals and dreams becomes so much easier. That’s right, you can create it! Developing a mindset for momentum will help you to do a little more every day to move closer to what you want, and less of what’s holding you back. It sounds simple, yet many of us struggle to maintain momentum, even when we briefly find it. Let’s find out why, so we can counteract those negatives and turn them into positives. 

Ways People Fail to Create the Momentum They Want

Despite what it feels like when you experience positive momentum in life, it doesn’t just happen. It’s a coming together of a lot of little pieces that support one another (and you!) to keep moving forward. Thus, when we are missing some of the pieces, creating momentum becomes a lot harder. Let’s fix that! Here are four ways we fail at creating momentum, and the positive...

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The Beliefs You Need to Be Successful

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Your beliefs in who you are and what you can accomplish have everything to do with how successful you are in creating your extraordinary life. There are three main beliefs that the most successful and happy people have, which I detail below, but what if you don’t currently have those beliefs? I also have three strategies to help you create them when your “belief muscles” are weak, or if you want to change long-held thought patterns that have been holding you back. 

Your Beliefs Determine Your Direction

This is a great time of year to start thinking about your beliefs. During the holiday season you’ll be seeing more of your family and friends, and these people are the basis for most of the beliefs you have about yourself. Yet these beliefs may not serve you in creating the success you want,  because they have been passed on to you - rather than you creating them for yourself. 

This is why you...

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6 Ways to Integrate Gratitude Into Your Daily Life

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It’s the week of Thanksgiving here in the United States, when we focus on being grateful for all that we have. Since I practice gratitude every day of the year, I had no plans to do a special post about it for Thanksgiving; but then I thought about how much it’s changed my life for the better. Gratitude changes everything, and I have six ways you can include it in your everyday life - so you can feel more abundant, peaceful, and joyful all year round. 

Experience the Shift of Gratitude

When you practice gratitude regularly, you’ll start to see positive shifts in all the areas of your life. You’ll also feel happier immediately! Give it a try right now. Take a moment, and think about all you have to be grateful for. It could be your family, your friends, or the abundance of love in your life. Think about being grateful for the work you do, the opportunities you have in front of you, and the things you have...

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Be Inspired by Something New

Activating the 10 Human Drives: Control

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When my clients first come to me, many feel stuck. They have a “good” life and not much to complain about, but each day is the same as before. They feel like they are living in the movie Groundhog Day, and want to feel more joy, meaning, and fulfilment in their lives. A great tactic to feel inspired again is by introducing newness into your life. This is also one way to activate the first Human Drive, control, as defined by Brendon Burchard in his book, The Charge

Much like I shared the six High Performance Habits that I use to help my clients create their extraordinary lives, now I’m introducing the ten Human Drives that we can harness in our quest for more. I’m trained on both through the High Performance Institute, and use them as a framework for my coaching. By learning to activate these ten simple drives, you will feel more empowered to show up and create...

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What Defines an Extraordinary Life?

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My coaching, workshops, blog, and podcast all focus on helping women like you create an extraordinary life; but what exactly defines an extraordinary life? At the core, I consider an extraordinary life to be one that lifts you out of your comfort zone in pursuit of growth, joy, and purpose. To give you a better idea of what that might look like for you, I want to share some components of an extraordinary life, and the types of women who are pursuing their own. 

Regular Women Pursuing Extraordinary Lives

The women that I see creating extraordinary lives aren’t unusual people. They haven’t been climbing the Himalayas or heading Fortune 500 companies, or unlocking hidden mysteries of the human body. They are the same people you see at the grocery store, driving their kids to soccer practice, or helping their aging parents with yard work. They truly are people just like you. 

When my clients first come to me,...

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