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Follow Your Rhythm This Season

This is the time of year where winter and holiday plans and traditions seem to take over. Do you bake gingerbread men or get that workout in? It’s easy to push off the things that are important to you for holiday shopping, cooking, visiting, or decorating. I love a good family tradition myself, but it’s also important to me to keep my goals front of mind, too. If you feel the same way, here are tips to find your balance this season. 

Make Your Own Traditions

Just because “everyone else” is doing something, it doesn’t mean you need to! It can be hard to remember that when your social media feed is filled with other families’ traditions. For example, I know a lot of people choose to get their Christmas tree the week after Thanksgiving. For us, that just doesn’t work. We usually like to have our tree up through Three Kings Day (January 6th), which fits with my husband’s Dutch upbringing. We don’t do anything special that day, but we like to have the tree around after the busyness of the holidays are over. So, we simply get our tree later. Here is your permission to pick and choose how you spend the holidays - whether it’s crammed days that you love or a slower, more intentional pace. As long as it works for you. 

Shift Your Routines

Did you know that we’re actually wired to want to slow down this time of year? Research shows that as we shift into winter, we naturally crave more sleep, comfort, and even a little extra fuel. But rather than completely letting go of my routines, I’m trying to modify them to fit the season.

Increasing my fitness is a big goal of mine right now, but it’s harder to fit in all my outside activities with less daylight. So, I’m walking my dogs every morning before I start working - ideally right after the sun comes up. That way I start my day off right. If I can end my work day a little early, I can ride my bike before it gets dark, or I can take some time midday to swim. 

I’m staying on track without too much pressure on myself. I’m also listening to my body by eating dinner a bit earlier, hopping into my pajamas, and reading in bed. It’s cozy and I’m getting the extra rest my body is asking for. 

Stay Flexible

December has just begun, but January is just around the corner. By finding a rhythm that works for you this season, you can stay on track with your goals while still enjoying your holiday traditions. After all, who wants to feel like they’re starting all over in the new year?

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