As a coach, my goal is to help you live your most Extraordinary Life; one that brings you joy, is fulfilling, and is not only aligned with your innermost goals and desires, but one that sees those dreams come true. So why am I talking about your diet?! Well, a life like that takes energy! Mental, physical, and emotional energy all feed into how you feel each day, which then translates into how you greet each day. Is it with enthusiasm or the doldrums? Feeding your body the right way is one piece of the puzzle, and most of us could use some help when it comes to eating more produce.
Read more about how to increase the different types of energy.
Everywhere you turn, health and wellness experts are telling you to eat more fruits and vegetables. You don’t need me to tell you that they are full of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber. And I’m sure you already know that people who eat more fruits and vegetables live longer, healthier lives, and are better protected from chronic diseases. No, you don’t need to know why eating a plant-full diet is good for you, you need to know how to do it.
Many of us (myself included) have all done it. We’ve felt motivated to eat more fruit and veggies, overbought, and then tossed out a bunch of soggy, slimy food a week later that we never used. It’s a waste of money, food, and it usually comes with a bit of guilt about the whole thing. So rather than go all in all at once, let’s try something new!
Start where you are.
Try adding one or two servings of produce each day for a week. That means if you don’t eat any, go for one. You don’t need to overhaul your diet in one day (which never works, anyway). Start small, and go from there.
Now, let’s dive exactly HOW to add more fruits and vegetables to your diet!
1. Get Sneaky. Your body doesn’t know if you eat a raw mushroom or blend it into a sauce. You still get the same benefits! So look for ways to “supplement” your existing recipes with produce you may not usually use. Here are some ideas:
2. Stop Eating Boring Side Dishes. I don’t know about you, but I have memories of steamed and boiled vegetables as a child. Carrots. Parsnips. Cauliflower. Nothing says “appetizing” like plain, soft vegetables. Instead, get creative with how you cook and season veggies. There is a whole delicious world of flavor out there!
3. Eat them as a Snack. This is my own favorite way of adding plants to my day - I just eat them as a snack!
4. Make it a Habit. You knew I’d have to mention habits, didn’t you? Your body loves to indulge in habits, so why not make eating plants one of them? Here are easy ways to make it a habit for you:
By setting yourself up for success (no matter what your goal is), you have a better chance of achieving what you want. Start small, make it achievable, and keep going! And when it comes to trying new foods, be kind to yourself. You may not like all produce right away; sometimes it takes a few tries or a few different preparations to find what you like.
I’d love to know which tip you’re going to try to help you eat more fruit and veggies this week, so let me know in the comments.
You can do it!
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