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Defining a Prosperous Life

Listen on The Extraordinary Life Podcast Instead

I recently had the honor of interviewing Nafissa Shireen, a coach who I worked with several years ago. In the first half of our conversation (listen to it here), she shared how important belief in her dreams was to achieving them, which was no small feat. One of her big dreams was to own a ranch, and she was afraid of horses! In the second half of our chat, we transition from her path up until now to the path she wants to walk in the future. 

We are both similar ages, and she touches on how her current view of being fifty-ish years old  is a lot different than the view of this age when she was a child watching The Golden Girls on television. As she says, “The Golden Girls were my age! And I realized that our generation is aging differently. We're looking at it differently, and not accepting age as a defect or defeat. We still have so much to do. It is not over just because you're over 45. Our priorities change for sure. It's the deeply rooted things that are important now.” 

These deeply rooted things will be individual for us all, because it sits squarely in who we are at our core. What do we want to do, stand up for, and be remembered for? In our discussion of going forward into this stage of life, Nafissa and I cover her definition of prosperity and the ideas of wealth, longevity, aging, legacy, and self-leadership. 

Nafissa is insightful about how she wants to live her life, but also honest about what she needs to work on as she creates an Extraordinary Life that fits. The episode will leave you inspired and thinking about how you show up in the world, as well as what you want to leave behind. 

After you listen to Part One and Part Two of the interview, I’d love to hear your thoughts. 


You can also follow Nafissa on social media using the links below:

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